TMT’s Combined IUU Fishing Vessel List has been upgraded with a new notification functionality.
Users of the website, which aims to provide the best available, up to date information on the identities of all RFMO IUU listed fishing vessels, can now sign-up to receive email alerts for when:
a new vessel is added to an RFMO IUU list,
a vessel is delisted by its original listing RFMO,
there is a change to the identifiers of a currently IUU listed vessel.
The objective is that this functionality will make it easier for users of the site to access data on IUU listed vessels and more efficiently integrate the Combined IUU Fishing Vessel List into their work processes.
In response to feedback from users gathered during our recent consultation process, we have also changed the way vessel delisting is represented so that the listing status of vessels on the site will reflect the status at the RFMO that made the original decision to list a vessel. This means that where a vessel has been deemed eligible for removal from an RFMO IUU list, but remains on the list of other RFMOs that engage in cross-listing (e.g. due to a time gap between RFMO meetings), the vessel will show as delisted on the Combined IUU Fishing Vessel List (although the full RFMO listing details on the vessel page will indicate that it remains listed by some RFMOs).
The Combined IUU Fishing Vessel List is being accessed by national authorities from across the globe, representing fisheries, trade, maritime and other agencies; private sector users from a range of industries – including seafood processors and vessel insurers; as well as inter-governmental organisations, academics, non-governmental organisations and media.
By ensuring easy access to information on IUU listed vessels for a wide range of users, the site serves to maximise the real world impact of RFMOs’ IUU vessel listing processes, by ensuring that IUU listed vessels can be identified wherever they seek to services or a market for their catch.
While the RFMO IUU listing process represents an important cornerstone of global efforts to tackle IUU fishing, the currently listed vessels represent only a tiny portion of illegal vessels operating worldwide.
TMT’s work in support of country and other partners aims to provide intelligence and associated capacity building support on IUU fishing and risk vessel activities more broadly, including through the provision of tools and data.
For more information on our other projects and initiatives - see here.